Dog Military Movie - If you love dogs, there's a good chance you'll love "Max," a family film filmed in North Carolina that opens in theaters across the country this weekend.

This family action adventure follows Max, a military working dog, Kyle (played by US Navy veteran Robbie Amell) loses his life serving in Afghanistan. Traumatized by the loss of his favorite soldier, Max is unable to stay in the military and is adopted into the Marine family left behind. At first, the grieving dog is not sure how to interact in his new environment. She doesn't trust anyone, but eventually, she starts dating teenager Justin, played by Josh Wiggins, who is struggling with his own trust issues.

Dog Military Movie

Dog Military Movie

Writer-director Boaz Yakin is a self-proclaimed dog lover who wanted to tell an emotional story about the unique bond between humans and dogs.

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"When a person connects with a dog, there is a primal bond that often goes beyond what we experience with other people," he said. "We allow ourselves to be vulnerable with animals, in a way that we don't do with people."

Yakin co-wrote the script with his longtime friend Sheldon Lettich, a Marine and Vietnam veteran, who suggested centering the story around a military working dog. The duo was inspired by watching viral videos of military dogs sadly lying next to their handlers' coffins at funerals.

"These dogs risk their lives, or put their lives at risk, by going so far ahead of their unit to literally sense danger," Yakin said. "Apart from the military, people connect with dogs so strongly. We can often relate to animals and allow ourselves to be vulnerable with animals, in a way that we don't with people."

But for Max, the problem is that he can no longer go where his guide is going. Sent back to the United States, Max is between worlds, no longer doing the job he was trained for, and unfamiliar with everyday domestic life.

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Wiggins, the young actor who plays Justin, also has a brother who served in the military, has three dogs, and a father who trains bomb-sniffing dogs for the Houston Police Department in Texas.

"To me, Max is a symbol of Justin's brother, Kyle," Wiggins said. "He has Kyle's character traits of honor and loyalty, and he teaches Justin to be honorable and loyal."

Besides, who doesn't love dogs? At first glance, Max looks like a German shepherd, but Carlos, the dog who plays Max, is actually a Belgian Malinois, the breed chosen to serve as military guard dogs for the military and law enforcement. Trained Belgian Malinois are highly focused dogs that can sniff out drugs and bombs and find bodies.

Dog Military Movie

But what happens when a military working dog is no longer able to work due to injury, stress, or trauma? Thanks to "Robby's Law," which went into effect in 2000, military guard dogs are not simply eliminated. They can be adopted by their handlers or by civilian families of handlers of dogs who died in Iraq or Afghanistan.

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Yakin hopes that "Max" will educate people about heroic service dogs while highlighting what it means to be a military family.

"There is something about identifying with an animal that allows us to let go of our judgments and inhibitions and often our cynicism," he said. "But if we can eliminate them, we can also close any gaps with the people in our lives."

"Max" is PG for action, violence, danger, brief language, and some thematic elements. It opens in theaters on June 26. When Justin and Copany go to the rescue of his father on a bicycle, he changes from night to day with a tie that is too short.

At the end of the window, the flag in the window shows a blue star. Since the son died while in the service, he should be a gold star. The blue star flags are for service failures of living ebers, while the gold star flags are for service failures of dead ebers.

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In the descriptive audio track, Ax is initially described as a keeper of Geran. He is immediately identified correctly in dialogue by Caren as a Belgian Illinoisan.

It's one thing that someone has to be missing for 24 or 48 hours for the police to investigate.

Lufkin, Texas in July has a temperature ranging from 90° to 99° Fahrenheit and intense humidity. Wearing light jackets and fuzzy hats while biking in the woods would be very uncomfortable there, but it is appropriate in North Carolina, where the ovie was introduced.

Dog Military Movie

Set in Texas, but during the 4th of July parade, the fire trucks have Rockwell Rural and Faith labels, betraying the North Carolina counties where the ovie was made. The windows in the background of the parade also have Faith in nae.

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There are no mountains, high rocky cliffs, or clear water streams in or near Angelina County, Texas. In particular, the rivers in this area tend to be turbulent, only flowing quickly after heavy rains.

At the parade, Tyler Harne has dog tags on the outside of his shirt. This is incorrect, they should be under your shirt and the chain is barely visible at the back of your neck. This is a safety thing that you should learn early. They are not meant to be visible but only for body identification.

Kyle's father is a trained Arine, but is unable to access or use the truck full of weapons and ammunition available. He was able to prevent an attack with what was in the back of the truck.

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